Rectangular Waveguide Straights / Twists |
Waveguide Straight Sections & Twists
Narda-MITEQ manufactures wide variety of straight sections and twisted waveguide assemblies specially designed for every customers unique requirements.
For more information feel free to call us and discuss your needs with one of our design engineers.
Waveguide Assy's & Transitions:
Rectangular Bends & Miters
Rectangular Custom Bends & Miters
Double Ridge Bends & Miters
Double Ridge Straights & Twists
Ka-Band Waveguide Transitions
Rectangular Waveguide - Straight Sections and Twists | |||
Electrical |
WG Size | Freq. (GHz) | Straight Sections Model No* |
90 Degree Twist** Model No* |
WR650 | 1.00 - 1.70 | 650-120A-12-2-2 | 650-340A-24-2-2 |
WR430 | 1.70 - 2.60 | 430-120A-12-2-2 | 430-340A-16-2-2 |
WR340 | 2.20 - 3.30 | 340-120A-12-2-2 | 340-340A-15-2-2 |
WR284 | 2.60 - 3.95 | 284-120A-10-6-6 | 284-340A-12-6-6 |
WR229 | 3.30 - 4.90 | 229-120B-6-2-2 | 229-340B-12-2-2 |
WR187 | 3.95 - 5.85 | 187-120A-6-6-6 | 187-340A-8-6-6 |
WR159 | 4.90 - 7.05 | 159-120B-6-2-2 | 159-340B-6-2-2 |
WR137 | 5.85 - 8.20 | 137-120B-6-2-2 | 137-340B-6-2-2 |
WR112 | 7.05 - 10.0 | 112-120B-6-6-6 | 112-340B-6-6-6 |
WR102 | 7.00 - 11.0 | 102-120A-6-6-6 | 102-340A-6-6-6 |
WR90 | 8.20 - 12.4 | 90-120A-6-6-6 | 90-340A-5-6-6 |
WR75 | 10.0 - 15.0 | 75-120B-6-6-6 | 75-340B-4-6-6 |
WR62 | 12.4 - 18.0 | 62-120B-6-6-6 | 62-340B-4-6-6 |
WR51 | 15.0 - 22.0 | 51-120B-6-6-6 | 51-340B-4-6-6 |
WR42 | 18.0 - 26.5 | 42-120B-3-6-6 | 42-340B-3-6-6 |
WR34 | 22.0 - 33.0 | 34-120B-3-6-6 | 34-340B-3-6-6 |
WR28 | 26.5 - 40.0 | 28-120B-3-6-6 | 28-340B-3-6-6 |
Example P/N: |
* The Standard Model Numbers above are the most common parts ordered for size, material and flange. However, these models can easily be altered for your needs by using the Model # code system to the left. ** Twist direction option of Narda-MITEQ unless otherwise specified. |