VSWR Calculator |
The VSWR Calculator uses the Root-Sum-of-Squares (RSS) Analysis to calculate the most probable VSWR values in a single waveguide assembly with multiple bends, twists, or a chain of Waveguide Assemblies when added together. To use the calculator, enter the VSWR value for each of the assembly components being added.
Enter VSWR of up to 8 components. If you have less than 8 components, leave the unused inputs as 1.0.
If you need further assistance please scroll down for more detailed instructions for how to use the VSWR Calculator.
How To Use The VSWR Calculator
Example 1
This diagram illustrates how multiple elements contribute to the total VSWR of a typical W/G subassembly. In the above case, elements of interest such as a triple crossguide coupler at figure A, a fixed attenuator at fig. B, and a crossguide coupler with multiple bends at fig. C are shown with their corresponding contributing VSWR values. By entering the values given above into the VSWR calculator, we see that the probable assembly-chain VSWR of: 1.05 + 1.15 + 1.09 = 1.19
Example 2
To use the calculator, enter the VSWR value for each of the assembly components being added, as exampled below.
(3) ea 90°E-Bend - 1.05 VSWR max
(1) ea Flex Assy - 1.12 VSWR max
Input VSWR #1 = 1.05
Input VSWR #2 = 1.05
Input VSWR #3 = 1.05
Input VSWR #4 = 1.12
Input VSWR #5 = 1.0
Input VSWR #6 = 1.0
Input VSWR #7 = 1.0
Input VSWR #8 = 1.0
The probable VSWR of the chain is 1.15 max
Example 3
This diagram illustrates how multiple elements contribute to the total VSWR of a typical waveguide subassembly. In the above case, elements of interest such as: Cast Miters at figures A, C, D, and E, and a Flex WG section at Fig. B, are shown with their corresponding contributing VSWR values. By entering the values given above into the VSWR calculator, we see that the probable assembly-chain VSWR of: 1.05 + 1.08 + 1.05 + 1.05 + 1.05 = 1.13
Example 4
To use the calculator, enter the VSWR value for each of the assembly components being added, as exampled below.
(3) ea Miter Bend - 1.03 VSWR max
Input VSWR #1 = 1.03
Input VSWR #2 = 1.03
Input VSWR #3 = 1.03
Input VSWR #4 = 1.0
Input VSWR #5 = 1.0
Input VSWR #6 = 1.0
Input VSWR #7 = 1.0
Input VSWR #8 = 1.0
The probable VSWR of the chain is 1.05 max